One of the things I love about Kindle is how easy it is to read, even in the sun, on a trip, at the beach etc. As long as I read a book from start to end, that is. If, however, I want to refer to, say, a map, or a list of characters, then paper wins hands down. I can flick back and forth in a way that Kindle can never hope to match.
Or so I thought.
I’m obviously not the only one to have noticed this shortcoming, as Amazon just announced PageFlip; a new way of jumping back and forth.
Through Page Flip, you can:
Save your place
Want to reference a chart or map on another page while you’re reading? Page Flip “pins” your current page to the side of the screen when you swipe away from it to explore other parts of the book. Tap your pinned page to instantly jump back to it.
Get a bird’s eye view of the book
Looking for a picture or a passage you’ve highlighted? Zoom out to get a bird’s eye view of the book and quickly find what you’re looking for.
Explore through thumbnails
At a glance, easily recognize specific pages as you jump around. Pictures, charts, your highlights, and the layout of each page are easy to see with Page Flip’s pixel-accurate thumbnails that automatically adjust as you change your font and margin settings.
Page Flip is not yet available on all books, although Amazon says it is being added to more books every day. On the Kindle eBook Store page for a given book, look for “Page Flip: Enabled” in the features list.
Thanks for sharing this Nicholas. I recently read a book that had page flip, except I didn’t know it was available. I also have a bad habit of not keeping my hands off the screen. You can imagine my confusion when my page kept changing every time I touched the screen. I finally figured it out, and am getting accustomed to the changes.
Lol – yes, I imagine it must be pretty confusing at first 😀
About time! Thank you almighty sharer of all things Amazon, lol. 🙂
Ha ha, thanks 😀
Thanks, Nicholas, for giving “heads-up” on this. Page turning is one of my frustrations for using Kindle.
Same here 🙂
Sounds awesome!
I’m looking forward to my books using it 🙂
Don’t think I have page flip on my Kindle but will look. It’s a few years old. What I do is wait until I am at a chapter break, then do a search for whatever I want to see. When I’m finished, I go to the chapter list and hit the chapter to go back. A little convoluted but it works.
You don’t need to activate it or anything. Amazon will gradually update all e-books to support it. So, it should work on older Kindles as well 🙂
I, too, use the chapter list in a similar fashion on my Paperwhite. It does work, but PageFlip does seem a lot easier to use!
I like that feature, Nicholas. That inability to flip to the maps or indexes is a definite challenge for me when reading ebooks. Plus I’m a highlighter and underliner. The video clip was helpful.
Same here!
A nice short clip that shows exactly how to use it. I don’t have a portable device though, just the PC app. I will stick with the real book for now…
Best wishes, Pete.
Lol – real books rule 🙂
Say, you’re the lucky winner of my giveaway! Would you like me to send you a copy of my books, or would you rather have a $10 gift card? I’m asking because I think you’ve already bought some of them.
Give them to someone else, Nicholas. I am more than happy with the short stories I have already bought. I don’t mean that to sound ungrateful, as I am sure you know.
Best wishes, Pete.
You’re always the gentleman; that’s very generous of you, Pete. Rhani had said in her comment how much she’d like to have them, so I’m happy to give them to her as a gift from you, if that’s all right 🙂
With my compliments, Nicholas.
Got to say, Nicholas, this makes more sense than the email I got from Amazon. Thanks for explaining it clearly
I’m so glad you thought so! Thanks, Graeme 🙂