Let it never be said I don’t listen to you. After your amazing comments and votes on my post, Book Cover Help Requested: Perfect Beat, my trusted sidekick cover designer Alex Saskalides of 187Designz went back to the drawing board and came up with a whole bunch of awesome new covers.
You can feast your eyes on these, and vote on your favorite one. I’m also including the most popular ones of the last batch, to make sure you have as wide a choice as possible.
So, how about it? Feel like adding your 2 cents and helping out once again a decidedly undecided fellow author?
- Alex, please don’t take the poll. I know it’s you voting for #9.
Sorry I’m sticking with my original pick #5. It stands out, the colours are eye catching, it tells me what the book is about, and gives it a light feel as though the book would be a fun as well as informative read. Now that said, I will soon be reading it, then I will let you know if I feel the cover does fit the book, lol. And by then, I’m sure you will have chosen already. 🙂
Lol – fair enough. As I was just telling Ali, almost 100 people have voted, and one third of them chose #3. So…
In the end, it is ultimately up to you my friend. 🙂
But I like them all!!! 😀
An author’s dilemma, lol. 😉
Don’t use the ones with the heart monitor… they look medical, and nothing to do with your content. The rest are all good though. You are lucky to have such a talented designer come up with so many options for you… I must admit that would make me decidedly undecided too! ???
Lol – yes, a clear case of more being more trouble 😀
I hear you about the medical look, but as you can see, with almost 100 votes in, one third of the people liked #3 best. So…
Weird! It’s eye catching, yes, but is it giving the right message? To me it looks like a medical romance fiction or memoir, nothing like what it actually is. But I’m no expert lol!
Lol – none of us is. That’s why I rely on you guys 🙂
Hey, Nick. Seems I went for the most popular too. #3 stood out for me this time head and shoulders above the rest, even though I had other favourites last time. It sang to me straight away, what the book is about, in terms of graphic and especially subtitle. I like the colours used too, and the medical overtones. Works brilliantly. Tell Alex he’s amazeballs.
Really? That’s great to know, thanks!
Yes, Alex sure is… erm… amazeballs??
Trashy UK TV reference. Nothing personal. 😀
It seems I picked the most popular cover, #3. Whichever one you choose I wish you good sales on your book, Nicholas. 🙂 — Suzanne
Thank you so much, Suzanne! 🙂
I like Number 3. To me, the blue color makes it look more technical and less romancy than the red, and I really like the fading from blue to white in the font. And I also like Pamela’s suggestions.
One thing I noticed is that in this image grid, only the very center of each cover shows, so some information is cut off. So that may be affecting some people’s decisions too. Would that occur on any bookselling websites? If so, you might want to make sure all the pertinent info is more centered vertically.
That’s a good point. Thankfully, the whole cover is visible on Amazon!
I prefer the flow of #1; but overall would probably choose #5 with the blue colouring of #6 along with change of font so it is more inviting. I prefer looking down into the typewriter (as a reader looking over the writer’s shoulder) & while it’s a similar viewing angle for #2 the computer.the softer edge of and within the #5 typewriter is more appealing to me. Hope this clarification helps. 🙂
I love your explanation, and agree that the looking-down angle works better. Thank you!
#7 was my favorite. Not sure why, but it drew my eye. All of them are great choices though.
#7 seems to be a love or hate one. Personally, I love it, so I was surprised to see it rank so low. That’s why I had the poll, though 🙂
I really like #1 but I LOVE #3. I think it’s a winner. 🙂 #4 is similar of course, but with the red colour (especially the blur around it) it hurts my eyes. The blue of #3 works.
Wow, I love an enthusiastic comment! Thank you 🙂
#3 is the winner for me. The blue colour avoids the “romance” feel some have noted. Of the ones with a typewriter, I still like #5 best.
Yes, #5 is rather pretty. Thank you! 🙂
I went with #7… It gave me the impression of writing with the wooden background (made me think of a desk) and the colors blended well. Love the typewriter in the cover designs as it sticks with the writing theme – the hearts make me think of romance.
Hmm… You’re the second person to comment on the hearts. Thank you! 🙂
Most welcome…
I voted for #6 but any with a typewriter are just as nice. I don’t like the ones with the hearts at all, especially the one in red gives to me the wrong message – like it’s a romance cover 🙂
Ooh, good to know. Thank you! 🙂
Oh, that was hard. I’m afraid I’m not with the majority. I like #3 and #5, but it’s not clear enough that the book is about writing (to me). I would probably think it was a self-help book or poetry. I like the clean look of #6 but it’s not clear it’s about emotion. Soooo, I picked #5 – It has it all – clearly about writing emotion. Have fun with this, and go with your gut 🙂
Thank you, I will 😀
Number 4 with reservations. The symmetry works best but the font and colors are too harsh. Block letters are unemotional and heavy, and the black background renders it negative. I would do this: keep the centered heart but make it white electric light on a color background to lighten it all up, and choose a softer font. One with rounded edges or a script.
And here’s a thought… perhaps use the word UPBEAT in the title or the subtitle.
A ‘centered heart’ is a nice metaphor too.
Wow, those are great suggestions. Thank you! 🙂
Glad to see I voted with the majority this time! I might change the wording, though, and have in small letters at the top How to Write With – since that is what you want to convey!
That’s a good idea! Thank you 🙂
I went with #4. The picture is symmetrical, so the eye goes right to the middle. Since this deals with emotions, I think the heart is a great choice.
Thank you! 🙂
I voted for #3 but I would add red to the heart (keep the blue elsewhere)
Or how about the outlined of a typewriter instead of a heart. That way your audience wouldn’t think it was a medical thriller or romance. Or perhaps in the words incorporate a typewriter in one of the letters. Just a few thoughts
Wow, those are great thoughts. Thank you!
Ah, interesting. Thank you!
I have gone with an old typewriter again, and voted for number 6. I think that the ECG ones look either too ‘medical’, or suggest romance.
Best wishes, and good luck with choosing! Pete.
Thank you 🙂
The first one is clever and conveys the content, but the third captured me more. It’s more eye catching. One reason I’ll never be as brave as you and ask people to vote for a cover is that I’m pretty sure I’ll end up more confused 🙂
Lol – yes, that can happen 😀
This time I struggled between 6 and 7 which I thought were both striking covers. I eventually settled on 7 as more in keeping with the computer age and because I thought it a nice balance of colour.
Best of luck Nicholas.
Thank so much, David 🙂
A much better selection, Nicholas 🙂 I went with number one – it’s the one that particularly captured my interest the most 😀
Thank you, Catherine! Yes, it’s interesting to see how it develops – largely thanks to your feedback 🙂
Hi Nicholas – what do you want to say with the cover? Can you choose an emotion from your book to make the connection with a potential buyer/reader. Does the font convey a couple of emotions? At present, for me, it is hard and uninviting. Sorry Alex. You’ll both get there. best wishes Suzanne
Thanks! I think Alex will shoot me if I make any more changes, so it will have to be only minor ones from now on 🙂