Hubspot's Facebook Ads report | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's booksFollowing my recent series on Facebook ads, I came across a helpful ebook by Hubspot on how to run a successful Facebook Ad. Chock-full with useful links, examples and statistics, the report includes some great tips on the ideal ad:

  • The most popular Facebook ad headline length is 4 words
  • The median length for ad post text is just 15 words
  • You/Your, Free, Now, and New are the Top Words:
    • You/Your: our brain is activated by hearing or
      thinking of our own name and ourselves.
    • Free: this is the ultimate word for any viewer of an
      ad. Include it in an ad and it’s almost guaranteed to
      catch the eye.
    • Now: this creates scarcity in the reader’s mind and
      urges them to action.
    • New: using this word is a great way to show you
      are offering something fresh.
    • Audiences are naturally drawn to these words.
      Using these words in ads means you have a natural
      advantage over all other advertisers.
  • Almost half of all ads contained a number in the headline,
    description, or text
  • The top Calls To Action are ‘Learn More‘, ‘Shop Now‘, and ‘Sign
  • Contact Us‘, ‘Buy Tickets‘, and ‘Subscribe‘ were the least popular

You can download the report for free on Hubspot’s website.