Musiville, the second children’s book in the award-winning Niditales series created by Dimitris Fousekis and me, will be free between January 27th and 31st on Amazon.
This is to to encourage people to review the book, so if you’ve read it and enjoyed it, please consider reviewing on Amazon and Goodreads.
Also, sharing the news would be fantastic, especially since after the promo ends, the book will no longer be available to read in its entirety on my blog.
Many thanks to everyone who has already read and reviewed it! You guys are the best 🙂
Have downloaded it Nicholas, hope to read it at some point, currently a bit swamped with getting my novel to the starting line in terms of self publishing. Just about finished my book 1 edit, of my Krystallos manuscript including prologue, and Book 2 started. Good luck with Musiville, all the best. Marje
Thank you so much for downloading, Marje, and no worries – we’ve all been there 🙂
Congrats on finished the book 1 edit! Awesome news 😀
Thanks Nicholas. 🙂
I’ve downloaded the book and will read it and review as soon as I can. I hope you won’t mind if I take a bit more time, I’ve been inundated with book review requests…I can’t believe people want me to write reviews for them, I never thought my writing skill was any good, lol!
When I review I could post on amazon uk, us goodreads and my blog if you’d like? 🙂
Yay! Thank you so much for that! Of course I’d like, and of course it’s no problem waiting for a review! I know first-hand how hard it is to find the time for everything we want to do 🙂
Indeed. I’m surprised how much is still left not done after a day of working hard!
I know. It’s why I’m on my PC right now 🙂
No need to apologise, it wasn’t your fault – all sorted now, and I’ve scattered the review about a bit on all my sites – I hope you’ll approve of it, if so I’m gathering followers for my blog so perhaps you might enlist?
Thank you – you’re a star! Already a follower, but thanks for sharing the link here. Hopefully, others will visit and follow as well 🙂
Nicholas, it was on my list, but as always, I’m running behind. I will get on it.
We all have a gazillion other things to do. No worries – and thanks regardless 🙂
No need to be sorry, it all worked out and in any case was not your fault! – have posted review on Amazon, Goodreads, my WordPress blog, LinkedIn, and am now going to post it in my publisher’s business page on FB – hope it’s going to be OK for you, I loved the story and illustrations.
That is wonderful! Thank you so much for that!! 🙂
Good luck with it Nick!
Thank you, Ali 🙂
Word is spreaded. 🙂
Yay! Thank you so much 🙂
Good luck with the free issue, Nicholas. I hope it generates the reviews you need, and helps the book to take off like a rocket!
Best wishes, Pete.
Thank you so much, Pete 🙂
Ack. I’m so sorry I didn’t get a review done earlier. I just posted one on Goodreads! Amazon’s review policy and all the dire warnings have me gun shy about posting reviews there. I wish they’d come up with a solution that feels fair 🙁
Lol – no worries. I know what you mean. A friend posted a review of one of my books the other day, and I’m waiting for at least a couple of weeks before I post mine of her book. Don’t want Amazon to think it was part of some review exchange scheme!
So, you are bending the rules? I hate it that Amazon’s policy impacts honest reviews. I’ll post it with the “disclaimer.”
No, not bending the rules. I have bought and enjoyed the book with no agreement for a review, but I’m scared of leaving that review just yet 🙂
Sometimes the warnings make it seem like we can’t even follow each other’s blogs. Well, I put on my brave pants and posted a review on Goodreads and Amazon 🙂
Lol – thank you 🙂
I’ll be sure to repay the favor by reviewing the Bone Wall. Oh, wait… 😀
I know, I know. All this Amazon anxiety! Ha ha. It’s a good thing they do the rest of it exceptionally well!
Agreed. There’s always room for improvement, of course. Have you seen Chris’s brilliant post on that?
I did. A champion. He’s got this totally under control. 🙂
Congrats on your new book just in time for the wee one!
Lol – yes, as I often joke, I finally a truly captive audience 😀
Hi Nicholas – have taken what is for me a bold IT step and downloaded the Amazon Desktop Kindle App so as to download this title and review it. Sadly I can’t seem to do it so have contacted Amazon for help (I think I may have created a second account!) Hoping they sort it out before the deadline so I can oblige.
Thank you so much, and sorry for the trouble! I’m more than happy to email you a link to a PDF version, so you don’t have to go through any further hassle! You can also read it on this blog, of course:
Again, thank you, and sorry! 🙂
For some reason the same thing happened to me. I’ve got the kindle app for pc as well as for my phone and all books usually can be send to ‘my android device’ or ‘kindle for pc’ but with this book the kindle for pc was greyed out. An amazon problem I think.
I have to check with them… Would you like me to send you a link for a PDF version? Or you could read it right on this blog, of course – at least for a few more days.
Thank you, I have it on my phone, but just a shame as all other books I’ve downloaded seem to go to the pc kindle app.
My internet connection isn’t very good which is why I’ve struggled to read it on your blog :(. I’m fine with the android version I have unless you’d still like to send me a pdf, I always prefer to see books with pictures on a bigger screen :). Should I post my email here?
No need; I just sent you the link on your rocketmail account 🙂
Thanks 🙂