The Fantasy and Science Fiction Network is holding its annual e-book extravaganza between the 19th and 31st of December. It will be hosting an event with free books, 99 cent deals, and deep discounts on fantasy and science fiction books from award-winning and bestselling authors like Leeland Artra, Robin Lythgoe, A.R. Silverberry, and J.D. Hallowell, and up-and-coming authors including Kasper Beaumont, Cheryllynn Dyess, Joshua Grasso, and many more.
Be sure to check out the FSFnet site for a list of the awesome books on offer!
And my late husband Michael’s novella, “Columba and the Cat,” is also included as part of the sale, too. (I edited that story and finished it.)
Thanks for posting this, Nicholas. I have four things included in this sale — AN ELFY ON THE LOOSE, “On Westmount Station,” “To Survive the Maelstrom” and “A Dark and Stormy Night.” All are ninety-nine cents; the first is a full novel, the others are novellas.
Best of luck with the promo 🙂
Thank you so much! 😀 I hope we’ll be able to get some good views (and sales) for FSFNet authors.
Happy holidays to you and yours, Nicholas. 😀
Sounds good. I’m heading over. 🙂
Plenty of goodies to choose from! 🙂
I was there. It’s a great selection.
Yay! 🙂