In my post, Promo Results: Using Free Promo Services I included a number of Facebook groups where you can promote your free days/sale for free. Today, I discovered on KBoards a caveat that you should be aware of.
According to author J.E. Taylor, posting the exact same content on multiple FB pages at once can get you banned. As she says, “once you are banned, you are out of the water for 14 days minimum. It’s a 14 day black out from any group activity, and what is worse, when they ban the user from posting to groups, they delete ALL their posts from the beginning of time, not just the ones that may have triggered their algorithms. This includes deleting entries in groups that that author created, even closed or secret groups.”
Taylor clarified that she was a member of about 75 groups, and posted the Amazon link to her book along with the Tag line, release date and the pre-order price of $0.99.
Author O.N. Stefan had the same problem. As she says,
“This happened to me a few days ago. I was in the middle of posting a giveaway promotion to the groups that allow this, when suddenly I could’t post anymore and I got a message saying that my posts are not allowed. I queried Facebook and they said that I was unable to post for 14 days and I could send a complaint – which I did, but that didn’t help. I can only LIKE posts and message people. I can post to my timeline but that’s it.”
It looks like Facebook is really keen on selling us those ads! So if you use this option in your marketing strategy, you might want to think twice or, at the very least, spread out your posting throughout the day to gain exposure without risking being banned.
Author Sue Coletta had this to add:
“I’ve found if you tweak each promo’s wording, you can get around this rule. It’s when you copy and paste the same ad over and over that you risk being banned. I’ve also spoken with FB about this and they assured me that if each promo is different, I’d be fine.”
For further information, check out the entire post on KBoards.
General question…Why is there not a reblog button?
Sigh… Since moving to a self-hosted solution, reblog hasn’t been available as before. I put a reblog button on the left of the screen, but it’s not half as clear as the old one. Sorry!
No problem. I was just wondering where it went. I saw the button on the left (after I asked) but with recent virus/computer crash (factory reset solved it) I was hesitant to click. Because I haven’t seen that type of reblog button before.
Sadly, it was the only kind that seems to work on the self-hosted blog!
I’ll take your word for it. lol I just tried using it to reblog one of your posts and it didn’t work. I am just having computer issues at every turn lately.
Lol – same here! My email returned not 5′ ago 😀
nice. Guess it’s that time of the year for electronics to rebel as they figure they will be replaced. lol. I got your reblog figured out now. I was entering the url wrong. Too tired to function properly I guess.
Sorry – it’s a hassle compared to the goo d ol’ reblog button 🙁
I had to laugh at your explanation. I never thought the machine revolt would take quite that form 😀
Wow. That seems odd. I knew that individual sites had restrictions, but didn’t know the restriction applied across pages and groups. Someone must have nothing to do all day but keep an eye on us indie authors.
Lol – in all fairness, it’s probably because publishing houses have better ways of marketing (or worse, depending on your point of view)
Thanks so much Nicholas and all for this. 🙂
Hope you find it useful in dealing with FB 🙂
I’ve always been a little FB hesitant with ads, so great insight. 🙂
We’ll see if there’s way to make them work for you 🙂
I had no idea. So sorry you found out the hard way.
Well, not personally 🙂
Thanks so much for this heads up, Nicholas. Good to know!
Something similar happened to me about 9 months ago on FB, but I was banned for 30 days. At the time, I couldn’t figure out what I did because no one at FB answered my queries.
Ouch! Well, I hope this helps avoid that fate in the future 🙂
Good info, Nicholas!! Found a great article on cthulhu’s yesterday 🙂 now I know all about them 🙂
Lol – so you now get the cultural reference. Ancient enemy rising from the depths. Not unlike The River, really 😉
Thanks for the heads-up and the tip on changing wording for each post! 🙂
A pleasure 🙂
I’m very leery of Facebook anything!
Actually, I’ve scheduled a post on using FB for tomorrow. First, we hear from the opposition: why FB sucks 🙂
Wow! Thanks for tipping us all off, Nicholas. 🙂
A pleasure 🙂
I’ve found if you tweak each promo’s wording, you can get around this rule. It’s when you copy and paste the same ad over and over that you risk being banned. I’ve also spoken with FB about this and they assured me that if each promo is different, I’d be fine. And it worked too. I had planned to write a post about it, but you beat me to it. 😉
Lol – sorry! Thanks for the clarification, I’ll add it to the post 🙂
Added to the post. You should tell the people over at KBoards, too 🙂
I don’t know them. 🙁
Oh, right. Go introduce yourself then 😉
Unless you don’t mind me letting them know.
Go for it. My mind is going nine million directions today, anyway.
Done. And credited, of course. And CONGRATS!!! 😀
Thanks. I haven’t stopped smiling yet.
I wonder if they got pinged for posting the same thing over and over, or just for posting so much in rapid succession? Because I know at least a few websites do ping you if they notice you posting comments rapidly. When I posted my free book on Imgur way back in the spring, a bunch of people commented, and I sat down with a cup of tea to comment back. After a few minutes, I got the message, “You’re posting too quickly, you’re banned for 20 minutes” (or something, lol). So I wonder if that Facebook rule can be circumvented by spreading out the postings — like, doing 5 postings every half hour.
And of course I just realized that you suggested that exact same thing at the end of your post. So clearly it’s an excellent point, since we both thought of it! (Teaches me to read blog posts 5 minutes after waking up, lol)
Lol – I was wondering about the time in your neck of the woods.
I believe so. At least, that’s what I gathered from the comments.
“Foiled again!” Zuckerberg is shouting deep in the bowels of his castle, fist in the air.
I don’t have a Facebook account, but I would guess that they are being the victims of reporting by jealous authors, or other publishers. This goes on all the time with Amazon, where some reviewers ‘dislike’ positive reviews left by others.
Some companies even employ people to do this! Unbelievable…
Best wishes, Pete.
It’s something I hadn’t considered, to be honest. Sadly, I can’t dismiss the possibility.
First, I’m with The Story Reading Ape. Hope you find a workaround there.
I haven’t used FB groups for promos since early summer. I did a test where I posted promos on one of the days I saw was strong with sales and then didn’t post at all on another strong day. Did this a few times and there was never a change. Looked like they didn’t do anything. Though the real reason I bailed was getting bombarded by spammers and some authors/readers who complained that I was ‘posting too much’. Even when I did it every other day, there were people threatening to report me to FB for spamming. Just didn’t seem worth the hassle any more.
Now, is it FB locating these authors to toss them into a time out or is someone reporting them? I just wonder if it’s the company or an underhanded tactic being done by some authors.
Good question. It’s not clear from the comments.
I’ve asked WP support about reblogging, but it seems to be a glaring omission – one I was unaware of 🙁
They should update the system then. Reblogging is one of the most important parts.
Tell me about it. Sigh…
Sorry about that.
I was just reading your Titanic post. Thanks for the spoiler :b
Happy to oblige. 😀 I almost made it through my life without seeing the movie. Then the girlfriend (now wife) took advantage of me having the flu and getting stuck in her dorm room for a few days. She refused to get a wheelbarrow and push me back to my room across campus.
Lol – the horror 😀
Just like Misery…
I’ve added SumoMe – an app that adds share buttons. Could you please let me know if you can reblog now? The buttons should be on the left of the screen.
I gave it a shot, so we’ll see what happens. A little complicated and it doesn’t seem to appear on my phone.
I believe I did it. Not really sure where it went.
Lol – I don’t know. Couldn’t find it on your blog 😀
Yeah. I couldn’t find it either. Now I’m wondering where in the world thing posted to.
I really, Really, REALLY miss being able to reblog your posts Nicholas – Ah well, Share buttons, here I come ?
That’s so kind of you, but why can’t you Press them? It’s reblog on steroids – you can now choose whether to schedule the post or reblog right away, for example.
The WordPress Press Them button only posts boring links Nicholas – without images which my blogtheme needs
I’ll try to find a workaround. Thanks for letting me know!
I added a share button on the left. Can you please check and let me know if it works?
The one that says 40 Reblog Nicholas? – Didn’t do anything.
Whaaat? When I tried it, it asked me which blog I wanted to share on!
Did you click the black W?
I just have – disappointing- see it at:
Thank you so much for trying that out! You’re right – it was disappointing, but it’s my fault: in my haste to warn people, I forgot to include an image! If you try it in the future, I believe it will be okay 🙂
Ooooh! Good to know! Thanks!
Yes, I had no idea this was a risk!