When I asked you for your help in choosing Musiville’s cover last week, I had no idea you would all be so generous with your feedback. I’m grateful to everyone who voted or commented – thank you! You really are the best 🙂

From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books

Image: nelsoncares.ca

Continuing the Musiville cover saga, your feedback made it clear that the idea of a village appealed to you. So, my illustrator friend Dimitris Fousekis offered to work on a second alternative for the “villagey” cover.

Before he goes any further, I promised to ask if this one appeals more to you. Hope you are able to give me some further, much needed feedback on which cover you like best.

Once again, a big thank you and a David Prosser-like bear hug to each and every one of you!