Rise by Brian Guthrie is one of the books I’ve been looking forward to read. His topic is highly original – a world where people are forced to live in bubbles that shield them from death.
Only, the technology surrounding their world is crumbling, no one seems to know how to fix it, and to top it all, a usurper has plans. Now, four people must unite to save their world.
Brian is the subject of today’s Author Feature. Enjoy!
The Usual
Hi Brian, great to have you with us. Tell us about Rise. What inspired you to write it?
The desire to create a world I was completely in control of. One I could fashion to do whatever I wanted in it.
Ah, a world builder. What was the first thing you ever wrote?
That I recall, it was a silly attempt at a historical/fantasy novel that featured all of my friends at the time. It was a crazy attempt on my part to socialize with them and I’m not sure if they actually enjoyed it or were just placating me so I’d leave them alone.
What other writing have you done? Anything else published?
I dabbled in poetry during college (most not worth calling it that). I started writing what became this series of books in college and attempted to write a full novel right out of college. I keep that manuscript in a binder as a reminder of how bad it can be. I’ve written one short story in the same universe as Rise and published it in a small start-up magazine, Mavguard.
Any hobbies or interests that you enjoy in your spare time?
Writing, reading, gaming, traveling, volunteering, cosplay.
Ah, yes. I’ve found some rather unusual photos.
I love how you’ve included your beautiful family in the fun! What are you working on at the moment? Tell us a little about your current project(s).
I’m almost done with Fall, sequel to Rise. I’ve got a new novel concept I may do for NANOWRIMO. I’m gearing up for Extra Life charity in November. And I’m currently campaigning to win a contract to publish with Inkshares.
Who are your favorite authors and what do you love about them?
Tracy Hickman. World building like none I’ve ever encountered. His best were all done with Margaret Weis. Timothy Zahn. That man could weave a tale better than any I had encountered when I first discovered him. I love the characters and love how he constructs a story. I’ve had the pleasure of attending writing seminars with both of them.
What genres do you read mostly and what are you reading now?
I prefer reading fantasy while I love writing Sci-fi. I read a lot of serial fiction on Jukepop Serials. I’m reading the Martian for a book club and am about to start Ready Player One.
Are you an Indie author? If so, do you have any advice for other indie authors?
Treat yourself like a professional. Get training. Talk to pros. Imitate them. Treat yourself like a brand that needs managed and tended.
Are there any sites or writing tools that you find useful and wish to recommend?
- Jukepop Serials – great built-in feedback audience to save you from annoying family to read it.
- Inkshares – readers help find the novels, not just editors.
Tell us about your website/blog. What will readers find there?
On the author site, I post updates there on novels, appearances, news on the stories, etc. On the series site, you’ll find an access panel-like site that responds to you like an interface to the network in Rise.
Sweet! I have to check it out. What are the things in your life that you’re most grateful for?
My loving wife: best friend, number one fan AND critic, and inspiration for Micaela
My daughter: firecracker version of myself mixed with all the good parts of my wife
Hope City Frankfurt: a church like no other that took us migrants in when we moved here.
Sorry, what was that last one?
Hope City Frankfurt was planted here specifically to get a city center and safe house hub for rescued victims of trafficking. With the influx of migrants into the country, particularly in Frankfurt as it’s such an international city, they have a heart for reaching them.
My wife is studying right now using my GI Bill so she can help counsel rescued victims. I support this idea completely and want to help make it happen in any way possible. you can learn more about Hope City at hopecitychurch.tv and the specific ministry City Hearts at city-hearts.co.uk.
That’s amazing. How would you like to be remembered?
Generous. Servant. Compassionate. And Author.
The Unusual
Choose a male and a female character from your book and tell us about them. Who inspired their characters? Would you like to meet them? What would you tell them if you did?
Logwyn. She is the character I originally created to be a vehicle for you to see the story. But the Alpha readers wanted more of her, especially one persistent friend who gave some of the best critical feedback. So, I took another look at the story and realized she did have one. And boy was it good and, in the end, pivotal to the story. She’s not just a messenger or a scribe. She’s a person all unto herself and these events will affect her as much as Micaela or Quentin.
If you had to describe a theme or thread running through your life, what would it be? What’s your life theme?
Help others. Just as simple as that.
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Where are you from?
Tattooine 🙂
Is it true you’ve been abducted by aliens?
We don’t talk about that year.
A whole year?! Wow… That’s when you became a Jedi, I guess. Name your claim to fame.
Well, besides my attempts to become an author, I guess it would have to be this video. Hint: I’m Captain America.
And a fine Captain America you were! What is the weirdest thing that’s happened to you? Except for that video, of course.
Fried Cow’s Blood. Don’t ask. Although having what amounted to complete strangers stripping me down to my boxer briefs and carrying me into a cold shower to help me recover from heat stroke in Ghana is a close second.
Fried blood. Yeah, I won’t ask. Which one do you prefer: Elephants or tigers?
Cats. Black ones.
That would be panthers, presumably? I’ll take that to mean tigers. If you had to live over again what would you change in your life?
Arguing with my mother.
More or less? No, don’t answer that. Where in the universe would you live if you could travel anywhere?
Ooh, sweet! I’ll hop along, if you don’t mind. Star Wars or Star Trek?
Same here. Which Doctor is your first? Your favourite?
The Ninth is my first and the Tenth is my favourite.
On a shattered world protected from the cold of space by a water shield, the people are dependent on Ancient technology to survive. Now, that network is breaking down and the water on one shell is running out, setting the inhabitants on a path toward war. The search to find answers brings four complete strangers, each struggling with their own inner turmoil, together to prevent the destruction of the world as they know it. Thus begins the recount of how the struggles of four people set in motion events that reshaped an entire world.
Rise is available on Amazon.
Who is Brian?
Based out of Germany, Brian Guthrie is a serial author of science fiction and fantasy. He is currently writing and publishing his Future Worlds series on JukePop Serials. He also has plans for another science fiction novel, a bit of historical fiction, and many short stories set in the Future Worlds universe.
Connect with Brian on:
Fascinating interview, Nicholas. Brian sure kept you on your toes with his answers. Haha. Loved it.
Lol – not to mention with his photos 😀
Fab interview – I have actually read the first two books in the Rise series and they’re awesome!!!! 😀
Always great to hear from a reader! Thanks for that 🙂
Now I’m fascinated! Great interview.
Thanks for reading 😀
Fun interview, thanks! How interesting that Brian likes to read fantasy although he likes to write scifi!
I know, right? 🙂
Interesting interview, Nicholas, not only about the book but the “character” behind it. Great luck to you Brian with the good works and the new book. Keep up the good work and happy writing.
Thanks for reading, D 🙂
When will I interview you?
Awww. You are so sweet. Whenever you want 😀 😀
I’ll set it up. You have so many interesting ideas I’d love to explore!
That was an unusual interview, Nicholas, he seems to be quite a character. The story in the book sounds unusual too!
Good luck to Brian, and thanks for introducing him to us all.
best wishes, Pete.
Thank you, Pete! I particularly enjoyed the photos 🙂
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This book sounds amazing!