You may remember how I mentioned the other day I had rated my book covers and the Pearseus ones had not done so well. Partly as a result, I was having them redesigned.
The redesign was done by Alexios Saskalidis of 187Designz. He’s a great designer, easy to work with (he’s also formatting my second children’s book, Musiville, so I should know) and has very reasonably prices. What more can one ask for?
Here’s the end result. What is worth it? You tell me!
Awesome cover!!!! Well done, Nicholas.
Thank you, darling 🙂
Great cover Nicholas. Simple yet attractive.
Thanks I’m so glad you like it! 🙂
Fantastic cover design. I love it!
Thank you so much, Michelle! It’s a great relief to see that people actually like it 🙂
Surely you weren’t worried. It is beautiful!
If you think I wasn’t worried, then you don’t know me 😀
BTW, what’s Musiville about?
It’s the name of a village. Everyone living there is an animal/musical instrument (not to be confused with an instrument-playing animal). They are all excellent musicians, but have to learn to play in harmony, or the village will be consumed by rats. So begins the search for a conductor…
As you can tell, it’s part fairy tale, part political allegory. I often joke that if Runaway Smile is my Little Prince, then Musiville is my Animal Farm.
This reminds me of some Dr. Seuss characters. Very cool. I might need to buy this one too.
Aw, you say the sweetest things 😀
Absolutely was worth it. It looks awesome!
So glad to hear you say that! Thanks 🙂
I loved it! it has power in it!
That’s an interesting thing to say, thanks! 🙂
Definitely worth it. 🙂
Thanks! 🙂
Just received your newsletter, ‘Call to arms’. Thanks so much for all your research! 🙂 Downloaded!
Hope you find it useful 🙂
Love the cover, Nicholas! Best wishes for success! I will read your book soon. Been so busy with my own publishing and tons of books to read.
Lol – tell me about it… No rush 🙂
Oh… I’d forgotten about this site! I really need to try it out. And your new cover looks great!
Thanks! I’m now going to submit the new cover to see what they think 🙂
Good luck!
You too 🙂
Great design, Nicholas! It’s a vast improvement over the original, in my opinion. That pattern of cracks running through and around the title font really made me uneasy. This is much better.
That’s very interesting to know, thanks!
I like it. I particulalry like the combination of colours. It’s catchy, but also elengant, with a very nice mix of yellow and red.
And the scale gives it balance (ehm… yes, I’ve actually said that…)
Lol – actually, I like the sound of it 😀
For the rest of the series, I was thinking same layout, different colours. I hope you still like them!
Wow! That makes me want to open it up and see what the story’s all about. 😀
Lol – then my work here is done 😀
I’ll be happy to send you a free copy of Rise, if you wish!
Aww Nicholas, you sweetheart. I’d love to read it. 🙂
Done! Please check your email and let me know if it fails to appear 🙂
Great cover. The title pops and the scales draw my eye. I like the subtle interest in the back ground. Congrats.
Wow, thanks for the detailed comment! 🙂
Nicholas, I have the original Pearseus set. In comparison I’d say the new cover presents a cleaner design. It stands out and catches the eye much better. Not to say your original covers did not catch the eye. The original design was in character with the story themes. It spoke to mystery in the ink running title, sword and blood dripping book on the balance scale. I’m happy with the original…Christine
I was hoping to maintain that connection (which is why I kept the blood-dripping book). You’re lucky, though: the original design will soon be quite the collectors’ item! 😉
Nicholas, on zoom noticed the subtle blood-dripping book! The creative Nicholas touch still there. (Smile) Yep, I have a collector’s set! Christine
Funny story: When I first published Rise, I was more than a little surprised to see that Amazon sold the paperback edition for the normal $11.90 – but it also listed “1 Used from $999.99” (mercifully, that has now dropped to $77.34). Best investment ever, it seems! 😀
Lucky me, I got it for the normal price. So, the high priced used one had whose famous fingerprints on it?
What, you think I bought it? 😀
Well, not exactly that you bought it. You have your own copies. The high-priced edition had a “famous” author’s fingerprints all over it…to begin with…a used…sort of signed edition worth the $999.99 price tag. (chuckle)
Lol – some day, my dear… some day 😀
You can “bank on” it…(another chuckle).
Heh heh 😀
I love your covers. Would look pretty on a shelf. Now I regret having the digital version. haha
Lol – such a sweet thing to say! Thanks 🙂
That’s a lovely cover, Nicholas. It’s not overstated, and it’s not understated too much. It’s exactly as it should be. 🙂
That’s a lovely cover, Nicholas. It’s just right, not overstated, and not understated too much. :).
Thank you so much, Suzanne! 🙂
That is a superb cover – love it!
Wow, thank you so much! 🙂
Reblogged this on Legends of Windemere.
Very attractive! Makes me want to grab it off the bookshelf!
Lol – then my work is done! Thank you! 😀
It certainly looks more mainstream, and has undeniable impact. I was quite a fan of the original though.
Best wishes, Pete.
That’s such a sweet thing to say, thank you! 🙂
It looks fantastic, Nicolas! Not too bad that sometimes things are not working out immediately 😉
Lol – the story of my life 😀
What a beautiful story of great development… 😉
Aw, trust you to turn it into a silver lining 😀
Sure!!! The most exciting and happiest moments are those when things just work out, right? But how boring when everything would always just work out… 😉
So I hear 😉
That’s a great cover! I really like it — and I do think I prefer it to the original one, so definitely worth it 🙂 I might have to try my cover on that rate a cover website, although I’m a little nervous what the response will be!
Lol – tell me about it 😀
Thank you so much, I’m glad you like it 🙂
Looks good, Nicholas. I like the letter colouring and the balance of the image.
I’m so glad to hear you say that, thanks! 🙂
Welcome 🙂
That’s a great cover Nicholas.
Thank you so much, David! 🙂
Dang – that’s a really fantastic new cover design – totally love it 🙂
Really? I’m so relieved to hear you say that, thanks! 🙂