Book Gorilla Author Page
I usually post every other day, to avoid clogging up your mailboxes. Still, I occasionally have something to share between days, so I make an exception. The first thing I wanted to share today is my new Book Gorilla page. Book Gorilla is one of the places I use to advertise my books, and they recently started offering authors the opportunity of a free author page. You can find out more on:
- Authors, Would You Like Your Own BookGorilla Author’s Page, Totally Free?
- BookGorilla Author’s Page Input Form
3-day Quote Challenge
The second news concerns a fun challenge by thrillofbliss. She tagged me on what she calls a quote challenge. You can share your favorite quote (even if written by you) and also inspire people. The rules of the challenge are pretty straight-forward:
- Thank the person who nominated you.
- Post your quote.
- Pass it on.
So, here is my favorite quote, by Zig Siglar: I tag Chris, Charles and SKNicholls – the three last people to kindly leave a comment on my blog!
When not reading fun quotes, you can always read my children’s book, Runaway Smile, for free!
Hi, I am trying to set up the gorilla author page. I have filled out the paper several times and no response. I do not know if I filled it out wrong or what.
Also you were following my blog womanofthenorth but I have started a new blog called: please sign up. I do not know if you can help me with the gorilla author page or not. But I would like one.
Hi Lisa,
I have no affiliation whatsoever with Book Gorilla, so it’d be best if you contacted them directly to ask what the problem is.
Many thanks for the link. I’m now following you on G+, too 🙂
Nicholas, love the quote. Just finished a combined quote challenge, combined with an Encouraging Thunder Award. Thought of you for the thunder award, but left it open to whomever reads the post & wants to show it on their site. Think you should do that! You have a thunderbolt voice…in a good way. Christine
Lol – thank you so much! That’s probably the strangest compliment I’ve ever received, especially since everyone says I have a particularly soft and soothing voice 😀
It’s not the tone, it’s the content. What you write has a thunderbolt message. Naturally, with a soft voice…(smile)…
Aw, that’s so sweet of you. Thank you 🙂
Thanks again Nicholas. It’s been a hectic week, and sadly, LinkedIn is the last place I check my social media. I’ve got to get more involved there. 🙂
Meh, there’s only so many hours in a day 🙂
Sorry about your aunt 🙁
Thanks for your kindness. P.S. I finally got to LinkedIn. I had almost 30 birthday wishes there. Thanks for reminding me to check. I also had trouble sending thank you’s there. LinkedIn kept telling me there was an error. Could you kindly let me know here or there if you got my ‘ thank you’ or not, so I don’t seem ungrateful to all of you. 🙂
Sorry to disappoint you, but nothing has arrived 🙁
Thanks for the tip and the lovely quote. 🙂
So glad you enjoyed it! Happy birthday for the other day. I sent you my wishes through LinkedIn, but wasn’t sure you’d read them 🙂
Great quote. Words to live by. I saw John Howell tagged me before I saw you did. Had to update. Two quotes might wear my brain out.
Lol – don’t worry about it, consider the double-tagging as one 🙂
Congratulations on the challenge. Interesting quote. 😀 o_O
Thanks 🙂
Fantastic quote!
I’m heading over to Book Gorilla (completely new to me), although, I haven’t published anything yet, so I don’t think I can get an author’s page, right? But soon I may publish something, so you never know 🙂
Cool! I hope you have your own page in no time 🙂
The Deed is Done Nicholas – see it at:
😀 😀 😀
Thanks for playing along! 😀
Welcome 😀
Lovely and inspiring quote. Book Gorilla continues to come up on my radar. That’s the next step in my ongoing experimentation in the world of social media and marketing. Thanks.
Thanks, D! 🙂
Love that quote! Hopping over to Susan’s now…
Thanks! 🙂
What a great quote to choose, Nicholas! I’ve heard it before, but never tire of it. Now I need to go check out Book Gorilla.
Thanks! 🙂
Love that quote! How fun! 🙂 Thanks for the tip about Book Gorilla, too. Will have to check them out for sure. 🙂
Glad to have inspired you 🙂
Reblogged this on talesfromthefamilycrypt and commented:
Brilliant! Thanks to Nicholas Rossis for this terrific idea for authors.
Reblogging and thanking you heartily for the heads up about Book Gorilla. Your page looks awesome!
That’s such a sweet thing to say; thanks!!! 😀
Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
They recently started offering authors the opportunity of a free author page…
That quote describes you perfectly!
Aw, thanks! 🙂
Congrats to the challenge, Nicolas. I love the quote. We get what we give!
Exactly 🙂
Loved the quote, and I totally subscribe to it. I also followed you on Book Gorilla. Cheers!
Thanks! 🙂