Yay, exciting stuff! Pearseus: Vigil has now been released to
into the wild to fend for itself on Amazon. This marks the rebranding of Rise of the Prince as book #1 in the series, with Mad Water now being #2 and Vigil #3. As per your suggestion, Pearseus: Schism has been relaunched as Book 0, or Prequel to the series.
I have now changed the book covers and updated their description to match the new classification. I will also change later today the 3-book bundle, to include Vigil instead of Schism, and will raise its price accordingly.
Speaking of prices, Rise of the Prince will now be just $0.99. Schism, instead, will sell for $1.99. I hope this will entice people to start the series with Rise. The two next books in the series will have a normal price of $2.99. Since the bundle now includes books worth $6.97 if bought separately, I was thinking of offering it for $3.99. What do you think? Too high? Too low?
That’s not all, though. I’d like your help in choosing my tag line, as I am between the following (the ones not selected will probably make fine Tweets):
Once again, thank you for all your assistance! Don’t forget that you can either buy Vigil on Amazon, or ask me for a free ARC!
Congrats again my friend. Your cream is rising! I concur with your pricing strategy. 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
congrats! Tweeted!
Thank you! 🙂
That’s so exciting. Congratulations. Can’t wait to read them all.
Thank you so much! 🙂
Hey Nicholas – Congradulations on the release of Vigil. Have just begun reading Vigil (I’m about a quarter of the way through) and am loving it!!!!! Well done and hope that it goes well on Amazon.
Oh, wow! Thank you so much!!! 🙂
Congratulations, Nicholas–looking great. Still reading the Pearseus Book I, II, III on my kindle. Epic Sci-fi adventure series! I envision it as a movie classic too. 🙂
Lol – I wish! 😀 Thanks, I hope you’re enjoying it 🙂
Congratulations. I guess I know what’s next on my reading list! Can’t wait.
I’ll be more than happy to send you a copy! I don’t think you’ve read the first books in the series, though. Should I send you a copy of Rise first?
Yes, I’m starting at the beginning. But I prefer to purchase my books. It’s my little contribution to the success of the indie authors out there:)
You’re too kind. On behalf of every Indie author out there, I thank you! 🙂
Hey, Nicholas! I like the idea of doing the surveys in the posts. I have considered them in an effort to get more participation on my site, but really don’t come up with interesting topics. Not to me, anyway.
The tag, “A calm exterior for a stormy soul” could be used for my Barbarian character. In the story, at birth naming the newborn Senus, meaning “serenity in the midst of chaos”.
Congrats on the release (yay!), and may your endeavors be richly rewarded!
Thank you so much, I’m glad you aren’t tired of my constant nagging you guys for help yet! 🙂
Feel free to use that tweet, if you like it (I’ll just remove it from my list, as I’ve got over a dozen) 🙂
Your self-described “nagging” is needful. One must ask for opinions to get the relevant ones. Otherwise, you just get the control freaks who want you to write their novel.
Also, turnabouts is fair play. As I read and comment on other blogs, I am hoping some readers, not just the blog Authors, follow me to my site and read and comment there, too. It sometimes pays to be a hopeful dreamer. Sometimes.
Well then, I wish you many happy, chatty readers 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
You are welcome.
Yay! Congratulations, and the cover looks fantastic! Looking forward to reading it (once I’ve read Prince and Mad Water) Here’s to another number one listing 🙂 xx
Aw, that’s so sweet of you! Thank you! 🙂
BTW how do you get your books on the side of your blog page? That looks cool.
Thanks! I use the links widget. Just make sure you link to a bit.ly version of the amazon link if you use an affiliate link!
Congrats, Nicholas! Next time, I’m throwing you an online party. Going to share this on Twitter. Maybe you want to do a guest blog next week to discuss your new book and where the series is going? Let me know via e-mail. Again, congrats!
I’d love to! Thank you!! 🙂
I’ll shoot you an e-mail tomorrow morning:)
Very exciting news. Enjoy your day of checking Amazon stats and sales. I intend to read them too, but my own TBR list needs attention. I loved Power of Six, and these cant miss.
Thanks, Craig, that’s very kind of you! 🙂
My own tbr list is hopelessly long, so I know how you feel 😀
Congrats, Nicholas! That’s very exciting news!
Thank you, Sue! 🙂
Congratulations Nicholas!
Bundle price – $4.99. Finding a balance is hard. Price them too high and you may lose some buyers. Price them too low and people may think they are mediocre reading and you lose buyers. For a 3 book bundle, $3.99 is a bit low.
Cover – gorgeous!
Question 1 – Can each book in the series stand alone, or must one read them in order?
Question 2 – I have all except Vigil, but have not read them yet (I know, I know – but my TBR is just too big). My grandsons are 15 1/2 and 12. Would your books be appropriate reading for them?
Promise – I will read your books, as soon as possible.
Thanks for the input!
Answer 1: I’ve added character lists and summaries, but it’s really best to read them in order.
Answer 2: Erm, I guess it depends! There are no swear words, but there is implied sex (nothing descriptive, of course). Also, there are numerous battles, although the violence is not gory. So, it really depends on how clean you want their reading to be.
Don’t worry about reading them, it’s just good to share, and I always welcome your feedback 🙂
Thanks for the info.
Reblogged this on Juliet Aharoni and commented:
Good luck Nicholas. I like the pale green cover of Pearseus, Virgil.
Thank you so much for all your support, Juliet! 🙂
Congratulations on the birth – or rebirth – of your new baby! I’ll start with book 1 and work my way through!
That’s so kind of you – thank you! I’d be happy to send you a free copy, if you wish!
The whole set looks wonderful! Congratulations 🙂
Thank you!! 🙂
Good morning, Nich. I think the bundle price seems fair enough and it’s a wise decision to lower book one to increase readers’ interest.
Congratulations of the release. IT’S LOOKING GREAT.
Thank you! 🙂
Congrats. Not sure about the bundle pricing. $3.99 or $4.99 would probably work, so it really depends on your instinct.
Reblogged this on Legends of Windemere.
Congratulations, Nicholas and best wishes for continued success!
Thank you, Elle – likewise! 🙂
Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
Congratulations to Nicholas C Rossis on the release of Pearseus Vigil… great cover…
Congratulations and well done Nick! Best of luck with Vigil… though I doubt you’ll need it!
Your pricing plan is interesting; most peoole would make the prequel a free lead in, yet you have chosen to make the first book in the series your lowest price. Is this because you see the prequel as something readers would only read AFTER reading the trilogy?
And btw $3.99 seems very low for the whole book bundle. Most people charge that for just one book! But I’m not very clever with this kind of thing, which is why I ask the question.
For the first time EVER this week I chose not to buy a book based on its price. It was an anthology of Celtic based shorts priced at €10.99 for the Kindle version! It wasnt even raising money for charity. The paperback was $11.99. Where’s the logic in that?
Thanks for the input!
Yes, I see Schism as something of limited interest, in a sense. It fills in the gaps in the early story of the planet, but even without reading it, people will have no trouble getting the story.
I, too, wonder about the logic behind some of the higher prices I see. Was your Celtic anthology traditionally published? A lot of the authors I read have been complaining about the high prices charged by their publishers, that result in low sales. Indeed, one of the most-quoted reason for established authors turning to self-publishing is price control.
Congratulaitons, Nicholas! May your new book break records. 🙂
What a sweet thing to say, thank you! 🙂
Having said that, I did momentarily have a glimpse of someone thrown my book against a stack of old vinyl records. Just for a moment, though – I swear 😀
Lots of luck Nicholas 🙂
Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
GREAT NEWS for Nicholas C. Rossis and the Pearseus series Fans 😀
Congratulations to the new family member!!!
We’re all very proud of the new addition to the family 😀
Congratulations, Nicholas!
Thank you so much, Richard! 🙂
My pleasure 🙂
Reblogged this on graemecummingdotnet and commented:
One of the great things about Nicholas Rossis is his ability to really engage his readers. We all want to do that with our stories, but he engages us before we even pick up a book. This blog post of his is very simple but effective, a master class in how to connect with potential readers. I don’t mean to suggest this is a technique he’s employing deliberately. As with any “technique”, the person on the receiving end will eventually see it for the sham it is. But in Nicholas’s case, you get a sense that he really does want your involvement, your collaboration. So if you haven’t read this already, I’d urge you to do so – and, just as importantly, respond to the survey. I won’t sway you with my answer, but it’ll be interesting to see the outcome.
I think I’d go for $4.99 and see what happens. Its still a massive saving… But then I price all my books in GBP and convert them so theyre always higher.
Interesting, thank you!
A pleasure
Congrats Nicholas! May your new baby fare well and wide 🙂 You gave too many choices for the tagline – I always go for the shortest ones and picked one of those. Hope you get results that help but personally I’d give out only 3-4 max for consideration by others. Yes, the price seems fine to me. I love your new covers, they say ‘come and read me’, haha. Well done and best of luck 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
Congratulations, Nicholas! It’s a beautiful book! Don’t know enough about book cost to speak to that. I’m buying the three-book bundle anyway. Celebrate your great success! Christine
Aw, you’re too sweet, but please don’t. I’ll send you a copy as soon as it’s ready, as a small thank-you for all the kindness you’ve shown me 🙂
Thank you so much, Nicholas! I’ll treasure that book! As I’m not a Kindle person, I’ll find a conversion route to read it! Also when will all The Pearseus books (series) be available to buy in book form on Amazon Prime. Available now – Schism (spec edition 1&2), and Mad Water (book 3). I was set to buy, but should I wait for the new editions??? The Little Prince is looking forward to meeting the Pearseus series! And Runaway Smile would like some company on the bookshelf! I’m a book lover! Greg Stanberg’s cartoon says it best – A KIndle and a Book…book wide open face down says to the Kindle (straight up), “And You?…Are You Able to Do The Splits? Funny! Christine
Lol – I think I found the comic you’re referring to, on Piinterest:
Vigil should be available to buy in paper format within the week. I’m waiting for Createspace to send me the proofs. The rest of the books are not going to change (well, at least not the content; just their covers, to reflect the new classification). This, too, should be done within the week. Thank you so much for that! 🙂
Would it help if I sent the bundle in PDF format?
Nicholas, yep same fun cartoon! Absolutely, the pdf bundle version would be great. Thank you! You need an email…it’s on Gravatar. Let me know if you find it. If not I’ll send it here. I’ll keep checking Amazon for the books. Would want the new classifications. Your books will be my intro to Sci-fi fantasy! Watch out, I may become a fan! I have a few of your Sci-fi author followers following me, so a lot to read in that genre. I’d say my action-packed thriller books are a thing of the past! Change is all good! Look forward to your books, pdf & paperbacks. I’m excited! Thanks so much for being my Intro Sci-fi author. Christine
Lol – I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as they new covers are up. Thank you so much for your faith in me!!
Nicholas, thank you! Absolutely know I’ll be held spellbound by your Sci-fi world, and a Pearseus book fan forever!
Aw, that’s so sweet of you! Let’s hope that’s the case 🙂
Nicholas, okay, I’m a dedicated reader and student of Sci-fi now that I’m into reading your Pearseus 3 book series! Rise of the Prince Part One has me hooked! So glad to have the map & character List! I printed it out for reference as I read. I’m forming my comments as I go along and will put them into a review when I feel as if I have a real “feel” for the story. Remember, I’m a newbie to serious Sci-fi reading, movies are visual arts at its best, and easy to get caught up in, and carried along. Reading requires a new level and dimension of imaginative thought and pictures. So far I’m touring the city of Anthea, and into the Marshes, then on to the other places on the map. Also figuring out the futuristic time in place. Think I’m on a high learning curve, and loving it…thank you for being my first, and #1 Sci-fi author! Now going to check Amazon to see if the new book covers are up before buying the books. Christine
Lol – I know it can get a bit complicated, so I’m glad you thought of printing it out. You know, that gives me an idea for a blog post, where I’ll offer a printable high-def version of the map and character list. 🙂
The new covers are up, and I’m grateful to you for all your awesome support. Thank you! 🙂
Books with new covers are on Amazon, but not all in paperback yet. Available in Kindle Unlimited. Any idea when paperbacks (bundle or singles) will be offered? I’ll wait for word on this before buying what’s there now. Thanks Nicholas! Christine
All paper copies have been made available on Createspace, which is where Amazon orders the books from. So, you should get the latest editions now. Thank you so much!! 🙂
Nicholas, great news! Success in ordering 4 of the books! However, I needed to order them through CreateSpace to get the paperback editions. Can’t do it through Amazon. Amazon offers only Kindle editions. But, Amazon does send them to me. Can’t wait! They arrive March 10th!!! Great idea to do a blog with map and character list. Also maybe add a description of Judge Draco as he comes up on the first page. Might know more about him later on, but I wondered right at the beginning what kind of power he had to send the message to Teo. Thanks! Christine
It’s bizarre that Amazon gave you trouble – but thank you so much for persevering!!! I hope you enjoy them.
Draco was a real-life Athenian judge, of course. His solution to a time of strife within the city was a stringent set of laws, where pretty much every crime was punishable by death – hence the expression “draconian laws.” The story focuses on Teo and Sol, though, so Draco was just a passing reference to offer Anthea’s back story and to explain Sol’s long-time animosity towards Teo. 🙂
I’ll prepare the map and list asap, and call it, in your honor, the Robinson bundle. 🙂
Nicholas, I never give up! Persistence & Perseverance is my middle name! Yay, the books are coming earlier, Friday 3/6 (tomorrow). Thanks for explaining Draco’s role.
Now it makes perfect sense! I’m happy to be your “Student of Sci-fi.” I can see you’re a stellar teacher! The “Robinson Bundle!” I’m honored! I know the map & list will help other beginning Sci-fi readers to get into the story and not feel confused by some of the strange character names, and the places. Thanks so much! Christine
Aw, that’s so sweet. Thank you! 🙂
Great news! The Robinson bundle will be made available first-thing tomorrow morning, on https://wp.me/p4h3m4-110 🙂