Today, I’m participating on a blog tour, brought to you by 4 Wills Publishing.
Hi, and welcome to The Religion, Rage & w(R)iting Blog Tour for Authors, Shirley-Harris Slaughter, Rhani D’Chae and Harmony Kent. (Click on each author’s name to be taken directly to their Author Page at 4WillsPublishing, where you can learn more about them).
These three authors are wonderful clients of 4WillsPublishing, a publishing House dedicated to helping authors put out the best written, and marketing products for their literary work, possible.
This tour is a surprise tour, which means the authors knew nothing about it until it started! This is our gift to them to show our appreciation of their work, their dedication to putting out the great written word, and also a big THANK YOU for allowing us to showcase and promote them.
This is a 3 Author/7 Day/40 Blog Tour! Yes, for 7 days, The Religion, Rage & w(R)iting Blog Tour will sit on 40 blogs! And for 7 days, on 40 blogs, you will get a tiny tid-bit of something related to Religion, so that you never forget OUR LADY OF VICTORY, the rage of people, such as that displayed in SHADOW OF THE DRILL, and w(R)iting tips to help you POLISH YOUR PROSE! (Click on each book title to find out more about it)
This will be a fun tour, an inspirational tour, a delightful tour which has been designed to enlighten you, entertain you and help you overcome those feelings which bind us daily and keeps us from growing from point A to point B. Each day as you stop by each blog to find out what bit of inspiration is being shared, we ask that you take the time to leave a comment for the authors, visit their blogs, Follow them on Twitter and FB, and last but not least, please PICK UP A COPY OF THEIR BOOKS! They are all 5 star reads! And this tour wouldn’t be complete, if you didn’t check out The Religion, Rage & w(R)iting Book Trailer! (Please note: these bits and quotes were not taken from the authors’ books).
View the Religion, Rage & w(R)iting Author Blitz Book Trailer
Before we forget, we’ve included another of our authors, Nonnie Jules. Although she’s a partner in our firm, she is STILL one of our clients! Her books, THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS, Daydream’s Daughter, Nightmare’s Friend and Sugarcoatin’ Is For Candy & Pacifyin’ Is For Kids! are also very interesting and entertaining reads!
On this stop, we want you to dwell on this:
If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you’re neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.
~ Desmond Tutu
Thank you for joining us on this stop of our tour. We are grateful to our host for allowing us to share with this audience and we hope that we have left you wanting more! To follow this tour, please visit the 4WillsPublishing EVENTS page for the complete tour line-up and to also register to win a SURPRISE pack of books as well as a stint on WHO’S ON THE SHELF WITH NONNIE JULES! Now, on to the next stop!!!!
I feel passionately about this quote. It is in effect what happened in Germany in the early days of Hitler and there are many other examples..
Very true, Bill!
Thanks and welcome 🙂
Thank you Nicholas for hosting our Ladies. It is a beautiful tour and I am having a lot of fun visiting the blogs. Great show all of them. Congratulations Ladies.
Thanks for joining us, Jin! 🙂
Hello Nicholas! Thank you for being part of the Surprise. I’m still smiling. Nonnie’s quote is playing out right now in all the police brutality going on across this country. I saw a woman demonstrating today and her sign said the exact same thought. I saw this play out in examples in life. Whenever we sit idly by and do nothing, we become the problem. Its hard to step out there and do the right thing because of fear of repercussions and there will be repercussions. Can you take it, is the question. I had to make that decision when it became clear to me that some folks did not want me to write this book. They wanted things to stay the same and they didn’t want to be called out on it. I was afraid initially but through some encouragement I took it on. Funny thing happened — Nothing!
Lol – usually, the fear of a thing is worse than the actual thing! 🙂
Thanks so much for hosting, Nicholas! This surprise tour is so awesome! Thanks to everyone who has stopped by and shared the love 🙂 4Wills Publishing has been so fantastic in organising this for us … it is an honour to be on tour with such talented ladies 🙂
It’s well-deserved, Harmz! 🙂
Great of you to host Nicholas. I want to also offer Congratulaitons ladies on this tour.
Thanks, Suzanne! 🙂
Thank you hosting Nicholas. Congratulations ladies on your blog tour.
Thanks for visiting, K! 🙂
This is a very powerful quote–one of with which I fully agree! I teach my children all the time that if you see a peer in trouble (being bullied or threatened), and you do nothing or say nothing, you are siding with the tormentor. Thanks for hosting today, Nick. Awesome blog! Ladies … power on:)
Thanks, Trace! I agree. As Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
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All looks interesting. Will pursue further, and the Tutu quote somehow apposite for almost everything, although I agree with Charles that very little is what it seems. Interesting books.
Thanks! 🙂
Thank you for hosting, Nicholas. Excellent post!! The quote at the end really give a great visual to oppression and the dangers of doing nothing.
Thanks for visiting and welcome! 🙂
Nicholas, thank you for giving us a place on your wonderful blog. I love today’s quote, & I’m pretty sure that #Decker would like it too. Lol I enjoyed the conversation between you & Charles, & I wholeheartedly agree. Thank you to those who stopped by today to support the tour, 4Wills, & the three of us. 🙂
Yes, I’m quite sure that #Decker would be thrilled to know that people “get” him. 🙂
I think the reason that so many people love your book is exactly Decker’s moral ambiguity. Well done!
Thanks for the visit!
Interesting quote. Makes sense too. Though I think it’s become more challenging to find the ‘correct’ side in an injustice situation these days. Mostly because the delivery of information, at least here, has become incredibly biased toward whichever side will garner the most amount of attention. So a situation that might be more complex than ‘he right and he wrong’ gets slathered in black/white coloring, which makes the actual injustice hard to truly understand.
Like you, I’m cursed with seeing the world in shades of grey (more than fifty, thankfully). 🙂
Maybe it’s an author thing. We wrote heroes and villains with depth, so a two tone mindset would certainly hamper that.
Sounds like we read and enjoy the same kind of books. However, I know many authors who love the simple good vs. evil premise.
I’m a fan of it at times. Though I do like my villains to have some humanity. Well most of them.
I agree with what you are saying Charles. We now have reporters, journalists and cable news that practice lazy journalism. They don’t investigate anymore so the truth is somewhere in between. I have to say that Rachel Maddow seems to be the only person practicing trure reporting.
It reminds me of my attempt to take a journalism class in college. It was suggested that I drop because I used flourishing langauge and seemed to be taking a side. Guess I’d fit in now.
Lol – I suspect you’d be asked to drop the class because you’re not dramatic enough, nowadays! 😀
Good point. The whole thing makes me wonder what journalism will be like in 10 years. I’m guessing everyone will have taken a side by that point.
There seem to be quite a few satirical journalists. What about them?