Everyone complains about 50 Shades, but Teach.com did something about it. Enjoy its epic Inforgaphic, reposted by Rebecca Eisenberg from Upworthy as 101 Books To Read This Summer Instead of ’50 Shades of Grey’.
Hate 50 Shades? Then Read These Books Instead.
Aug 2, 2014 | Entertainment
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Wow, Nicholas, that is quite a graph(ic) list! My feeble mind could not take it all in but only in small increments! Lol! I hate 50 Shades! I guess today’s readers like shock value more than decent prose!
I know, teach.com really gave us something to look at again and again! If it’s any consolation, you don’t seem to be the only one with strong feelings against 50 shades… 🙂
Impressive reading material. That’s quite a lot to keep one busy. 🙂
I know! Where do we find the time? I need an extra life just to go through my TBR list! 😀
Ditto! LOL. 🙂
Reblogged this on Terri Herman-Ponce and commented:
There are some really REALLY great reads on this list. Plus, it’s a fun chart to follow, figure out, or just lose yourself in.
Happy reading!
Never read it. read the dust jacket, put it back on the shelf.
Oh, the wonders you have missed, then… 😀
LOL but wait, there’s more! the movie is coming out soon. 🙂
It is, isn’t it? Hold still, my heart! 😀
Saw the trailer…oh my. Mr. Grey is a naughty lad and I wish whoever wrote the book is happy because the movie looks as much a mess as the book. But, it’s “slick, stylish, and savvy!” All the popular descriptives of mediocre art…
I guess Mr. Grey being a naughty lad does help explain all that spanking I hear about. Although it’s not him bending over, is it? (oh my, that came out naughtier than I intended!) 😀
It’s okay. We all have our moments
Thanks and so much more….couldn’t find crime fiction!
Well, there is Contemporary Fiction > Murder and Contemporary Fiction > Foul Play to consider, as well as Contemporary Fiction > Dark Fiction. I assume the thrills you’re looking for could fit there? 🙂
This is great! Thanks for sharing; I retweeted it.
Thank you, much appreciated! 🙂
That’s really impressive.
Yes, it is! I had no idea teach.com had such great material, I have to check out the site more often.
Wow. That’s some graph / poster(?) The best of the best. 🙂
I know, right? The moment I saw it, I knew I had to share! 🙂
😀 😀
Thank you! Your smiles brighten my day! 🙂
I’m all for a sunny day. 😉