Following your invaluable feedback, I have now finalized the design of Mad Water’s cover (for those who just tuned in, Mad Water is the third book in my Pearseus epic fantasy series). For showers of praise and heaps of scorn, please use the comments’ area below.
The book is scheduled to go live on Tuesday, July 15th, but I will let you know if it’s ready before that. For a few days, the price will be only 99c, but it will soon be raised to the normal $2.99, so if you want to buy it, it would be a shame to pay more than you have to!
Mazel Tiv, Nicholas! I hope those little circles are supposed to be bubbles. Otherwise, I’m looking for water…. LOL
Well, there *is* plenty of water in the book, including a naval battle, so take your pick! 😀
Looking good.
Thank you! 🙂
Excellent! I can’t wait to get my mitts on that! I love the cover as you know – well done and best of luck with the launch 🙂
I agree! I love the progression from pale to darker as the plot gets thicker and more intense. Well done!
Thank you both, you’re too kind! 🙂