Now, you can’t say I don’t listen to you: I’ve only written the two posts this weeks, busy as I’ve been with Pearseus: Mad Water, therefore following your advice to tone it down a bit.
Just kidding, of course: The reason I’ve disappeared is that I’ve been writing and redesigning the book covers, according to your excellent suggestions. Having just finished, I wanted to share with you the new look. Please do let me know what you think. For example, is the numbering (Book 1, 2, 3 etc) large enough? Should I mention on Book 3’s cover that the other two books in the series have reached #1 on Amazon? Do they make you want to throw money at me screaming, “shut up already and take my money”, or to gouge your eyes out while pounding the screen with a hammer?
What’s next: Mad Water is with Lorelei Logsdon, my editor and proofreader. I will publish it as soon as it’s back, namely next week. I took the opportunity to rewrite Schism (as the new name for the first book in the series is), and I’m rewriting Rise of the Prince (the second book). All in all, the entire series got a revamp, which is always a nice thing, right? But more on that later… For now, enjoy the new covers and a couple of extra illustrations – a Fallen and a Whisper – by Dimitris Fousekis. These will go into the books as a small bonus, but could also be used for bookmarks etc. I hope you like them!
Update: The cover for Mad Water has changed once again, to reflect a scene in the book, where Teo Altman wears a fine red leather jerkin to lead the cavarly into battle.
Cracking artwork and yes, the covers work well for me.
Definitely improved! I like the parallelism and spareness in the handling of the placement of author, series title, book title and volume number. And as an author whose books are not Amazon No.1, a little touch of envy is cropping up! LOL You could mention that on the back cover of v.3 and wait to get that ranking on v.3 before putting anything on the front cover.
I love the improvements! My only thought is that The Rise and Mad Water are very similar, especially if you think of their thumbnail size where the differences in the scales would be barely discernible. I’d go bluish with Mad Water with a rusty undertone maybe… That’s my only concern. Other than that, I love the revamp!
That’s a good idea, thanks! I just uploaded the new file, what do you think? 🙂
I love the artwork and the covers are wonderful. Much neater, and very impressive. I suggest for book 3, until you run a promo to reach nr1 for that too (cos you will!), to just carry on in a sentence after ‘Book3’ and say ‘of the Nr1 Amazon bestseller’ or something. Well done!! Good luck with it all, you deserve it!
Thank you! If it hasn’t reached No 1 in a couple of weeks, I will 😉
Looking good, Nicholas!! The cover layout is cleaner, and easier to read. Excellent improvements.
Thank you, I’m so glad to hear that! 🙂
Perfect! They really look amazing all lined up like that. I really love the art, Dimitris is so talented!
Thank you! Yes, he is quite the artist, much like you… 🙂
Awww, you are too kind 🙂
Very nice! The art looks intriguing, and the whole set looks professional.
Thank you, I’m so glad you like it! 🙂
BTW, check out the nice things I said about you in my blog hop!
Aw, that’s so sweet of you! Thank you!!!
For anyone wanting to visit Linnet’s blog, the post she’s referring to is on
They can learn about Caesar’s encounter with a unicorn. among other things! 🙂
Thank you, sweetie! I promise to send you a selfie with Perro (the cat; yes, I know) on my lap. Right now, he’s moved to the chair next to mine, presumably because he finds the Greek summer too hot for close contact…
Out of our five felines, only two are lap cats. I love them but they have their drawbacks 😉