twitter tips

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Diana Urban posted 50 Tweetable Twitter Tips You Wish You Knew Years Ago on Hubspot. Here is a smaller selection of 30, for your convenience:

Optimizing Your Twitter Profile

1) Make yourself easy to recognize by using a close-up headshot of yourself as your profile picture.

2) Make the most of your Twitter bio. Show off your skills and uniqueness without over-hashtagging.

3) Twitter’s new profile design dimensions: header photo = 1500 x 500 px | profile pic = 400 x 400 px.

What You Should Tweet

5) Structure your tweets like this to increase clicks: KEY MESSAGE – LINK #HASHTAG AFTERTHOUGHT

6) Don’t be self-promotional on Twitter. Mix up your content and interact with your followers.

7) Curate content you tweet from a wide variety of sources to keep your followers interested.

8) Share images in your tweets to increase engagement, since images now appear inline on Twitter.

9) Be real. It’s okay to tweet mundane things like weather commentary or what you’re eating SPARINGLY.

Increasing Twitter Engagement

10) Engage with others and show appreciation for their tweets by using the favorite button as a “like.”

11) Be responsive on Twitter, not a robot. If someone asks you a question on Twitter, answer it!

12) If you retweet every single tweet you’re mentioned in, followers will think you crave attention.

13) If someone regularly retweets or replies to you, add them to a list so you can return the favor.

14) Twitter is a two-way conversation. Tweet questions to encourage your followers to interact with you.

15) Nobody HAS to share your content on Twitter. So if someone authoritative retweets you, thank them.

Making Sense of the Chaos

16) You don’t have to follow back everyone that follows you. Doing so would clutter your stream.

17) Use hashtags (#) to join relevant conversations and make your tweets easy to find.

18) Use lists grouped by industry or topic to follow people you want to pay attention to on Twitter.

19) Create public Twitter lists (vs. private) so members know when they’re added and likely reciprocate.

20) Save time by using tools like Buffer or HubSpot’s Social Inbox to schedule tweets for the week.

21) Blocking people doesn’t “block” them from your tweets, but removes them from your Twitter stream.

Optimizing Your Twitter Stream

22) Use landscape-oriented images on Twitter, using approximately a 2:1 dimension, for the best appearance on the Twitter feed.

23) Try incorporating an image into every three to four tweets so they’re more prominent in a user’s feed.

24) If Twitter is your morning task, schedule tweets throughout the day instead of posting them all at once.

Getting More Twitter Followers

25) Measure your Twitter success not by your number of followers, but by the quality and level of engagement.

26) Don’t follow more than a couple hundred people per day. Twitter might mistake you for a spam bot and suspend your account!

Having Good Twitter Etiquette

27) If you wouldn’t say something to someone’s face, don’t say it to them on Twitter.

28) Don’t start arguments with people on Twitter. A friendly debate is fine, but respect others’ opinions.

29) Don’t be a troll, no matter how angry you are. For most, Twitter isn’t really anonymous, and your public anger could come back to haunt you later.

30) If you tweet spoilers while live-tweeting TV shows or sporting events, use the right hashtag so people can filter it out.

Check out the rest of the tips on Hubspot!