I met Author Angelia Vernon Menchan through the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB, and she has kindly offered to share a guest post here, regarding the all-important brand concept. So, here it is:
“I created a brand once I became an author quite by chance. I was encouraged to start a blog and within a very short period of time I became known as a positive speaker and motivator.
How did that brand tie in to my work?
I always have a theme of overcoming or using mentors in anything I write. I write fiction, non-fiction, women’s fiction and YA fiction, as such it was easy to promote my books with who I had become known as.
Making sure your brand isn’t tarnished.
This is tricky because we all have a tendency to vent, particularly via social media. Be very careful about that because if you are writing books about faith, positivity, or anything that is positive, if your persona is negative, no one will believe you thus tarnishing your image and your ability to sell your books.
Choose other ways to enhance your brand beyond selling books.
I have become known as a motivational speaker and that was born of my books and making myself available to those who have read my books and the themes within. Once a person feels they know you and what your work is about it opens up other venues.
Narrow your social network groups to your brand.
What I am saying here is that none of us can maintain fifty groups if we are working and writing and if your books are inspirational it doesn’t make sense to market a group that is focused on erotica, for instance. If that is a reading interest then only enter that group as a reader. Use groups dedicated to your brand and your type of product otherwise you won’t find your target audience.”
About Angelia Vernon Menchan
Blog: https://acvermen.blogspot.com
Amazon Books
I love our blog, Nicholas. Thanks for hosting Angelia. Can’t wait to get to her books!
It was a pleasure hosting Angelia, I hope you enjoy her books. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
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What do you think, authors and bloggers How do you brand yourself?
Thank you for the reblog, I’m glad you liked the post! 🙂