Exciting news! While waiting for my wonderful beta-readers to finish Mad Water, the third book in my epic fantasy series Pearseus, I finished the first draft of another book I’ve had in the works for quite a while now. It’s a collection of six short sci-fi stories.
Now, though, I’m in a bit of a pickle. As my normal beta-readers are already busy with Mad Water, I need someone to beta-read it for me.
If you have the time, I’d love to hear what you think of them! They’ll be professionally proofread after the final edit, so you don’t need to worry about correcting typos (although any suggestions will be welcomed, of course). Still, I’m more worried about the stories making sense, any holes in the plot etc.
Anyone interested?
Very tempting!! Would love to read it sometime of course but I couldnt possibly now. Reading The Schism at the mo (love it!!) as to be able to read Mad Water right after. I put your 2 books up the reading list to save you time but after that I’ll be reading other books for sometime. Oh! And I have started The Runaway Smile too which is delightful. Wish I could take on the Scifi stories too but sadly I cant. You are so hard-working, I can’t keep up with you LOL Still, I am sure it’s just as fab as everything else I’ve read so far 🙂
Consider yourself off the hook! As I said in the post, I know that I’ve swamped my poor regular beta-readers, which is why I need extra help! The good news is I’ve already managed to find four lovely people, so all is well! 🙂
I would be happy to help.
Thank you! Please email me on info[at]nicholasrossis.com so I can send you a copy as soon as I finish my editing!
If I wasn’t about to launch two books of my own… And a bit under the kosh for time I’d offer. Although I’m not that useful a beta reader to be honest. I tend to just zip through and go, yeh I loved it, which is not necessarily helpful.
MT, that’s wonderful; I wish you every success! Let’s organize a guest post/promo/cover release/interview for the launch over here, if you wish.
Ooo yes I’m up for that and ditto back I do like having visitors on my blog from time to time and I’m sure it makes it more interesting for my readers.
The books, mine, are out on 12 June and 12 July respectively.
Cant wait.nit will be my first story arc in the public domain.
I mean first full story arc really, in that it’s the last two books of the trilogy I’m writing. The books do each contain a story of their own but they’re parts of the whole. Scuse dippy comment but I’m using an iPad so I can’t delete stuff or it just freezes and you have to start again. 🙂
Great stuff (don’t worry about the iPad). Email me to arrange the guest blog details! 🙂
If my plate wasn’t so full…otherwise I would love to!
Not to worry; thanks anyway! 🙂
Yes!!!! I love sci fi!!!!
Thank you! Please email me on info[at]nicholasrossis.com so I can send you a copy as soon as I finish my editing! 🙂