I really liked this little poster because I find myself reading pretty much everything. I might be at the doctor’s office and I will be reading -albeit upside down- anything that he might have on his desk. Or, all around me, I glance at anything that is readable: crumbled papers, torn newspapers, thrown away wrappers… literally, everything (my wife is worse: she can spend an hour reading a map and she actually enjoys it. I’m quoting “do you know how much info there is on a map? It’s amazing!“).
I now have had the Kindle for about 3 years and keep walking in the house, Kindle in hand, reading and doing all sorts of jobs: preparing the dog’s food, closing the shutters, watering the plants …
So in that sense I am a rebel: I will read, constantly and unstoppably, and if you challenge me by telling me not to read, then I will definitely read it. And enjoy it, just for the sake of the challenge. So there!